"Beneath the Surface" Guest Post and Excerpt by MA Church
Beneath the Surface M.A. Church Guest Post by M.A. Church Mermaids have long captured our imaginations. They’ve thrilled us in “documentaries“, paintings, fairytales, and in the movies. Sometimes these part human/part fish come to the aid of men (helpful!), and sometimes they just want to hug you to death and drown you (less helpful). Here are a few “facts” about these mythical creatures you might want to know before your next boat trip. One of the earliest mermaid legends comes from Syria In ancient Syrian (~ 1000 BC), there was a goddess who went by the name of Atargatis. She was a fertility goddess whose cult eventually spread to Greece and Rome and was associated with water (especially lakes) and fish. Often depicted in mermaid form, Atargatis is perhaps the “original” mermaid. Legend has it that she dove into a lake to become a fish, but only her bottom half was transformed. The original mermaid wasn’t a ‘maid’ at all Before anyone dreamed of ...