It's NOT a Phase

It's NOT a Phase Why is bisexuality so hard to accept? Why is it considered a phase, a transient inclination that disappears once a pairing is made, regardless of gender? Here's true story. I'm Bi. I learned this truth about myself in sixth grade. I knew I was supposed to notice boys, because that's what girls do, right? Notice boys and giggle and act silly, etc etc.... Well, I was noticing girls too. I'd notice how cute they were, or how pretty they looked, or loved the way Girl A laughed vs how Girl B flounced down the hall like a princess. I had NO idea at first that it wasn't normal. I just knew that I noticed boys, and that I noticed girls. Flash forward two years. 8th grade. Last year before high-school. We were all thinking we were the big kids on campus. The ALMOST high-schoolers. Acting like we ran the world. And Mother Nature was rearing her ugly head. The TMI section of this blog is about to commence, so stop readi...